Good. The fine woven case I got looks like shit after six months. Not so much the “patina” on the back (tho it does look dirty), but the laminate (?) peeling all around the sides.
Meanwhile the $20 rubber case I got on Amazon 2 years ago is still holding up like a champ.
Yep, my $10 clear plastic case still looks fine and works with wireless charging.
I don’t doubt it. I used to be a hardcore Rinke Slim advocate and those are like 10-20 bucks. I switched to the apple cases back when the leather cases were actually good quality. They haven’t been for years now and this woven shit is even worse. Mag safe kept me coming back but I think I’m ready for third party again.
Surprised they didn’t consider cactus leather. My Orbitkey has been holding up great.
It’s a fine idea, but they should have woven extensive durability testing into the design process.
Replaces it with PoorlyWoven Accessories
Cool. I’ll keep buying real leather instead of the next synthetic crap they come up with.
Seeing Apple admit a fail is always such a treat. Hope the replacement will be even better than the last leather case!
The last leather case was trash. Make it better than the first plz.