Blue collar with forklift and trolley looking at a bunch of office dweller in suits pushing cube be like:
Don’t work hard, cut corners.
work hard, cut corners, and also salaries, and (if possible) the workforce, and-
Seems like John was trying to… cut some corners
This is unrealistic, the client would never say thank you.
In my experience they’d carry on complaining, even after an apology and saying it’ll be put right.
This client is an introvert who took the entire day off to prepare for this phone call.
That’s social anxiety, not introversion.
Management not providing their employees with adequate tools to do their job while also keeping them in the dark about the greater picture of their company. Ignoring their employee’s problems and then blaming those who try to solve it on their own.
Also, even if they didn’t need to specifically be cubes, he still left part of the object behind.
Does it not matter how much he brings to the end?
Is the requirement for success here solely his speed?
Why not ditch the cube altogether?
Or is it a sum of both speed and “cube mass”?
If so, how much can he shave off and still compensate by being fast?
Could you just cut a small piece of it and sprint to the end?
Is there a minimum amount you need to bring?
So many questions…
Even if what he did was legit, then cutting the cube into a cylinder would be a smarter choice. Maybe not even a full cylinder, an octagon or something like that would have roll fine and saved so much work.
Is everyone purposefully missing the point in the comments?