Not sure, if the funny is just that she found a creative solution for closing the hole, or if it’s that she impaled the dog down there.
Poochie’s made it 91 years so far, so I’m sure he’ll be back and ready for vengeance soon enough! 😄
Poochie is one outrageous dude.
He’s the original dog from hell!
That’s an actual Nancy strip? That’s what Nancy looks like now?
Ernie Bushmiller must be rolling in his grave.
Random Nancy comic from 1963: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/FPIAAOSwq5ZkIIrb/s-l1200.webp
Im not sure I see a real difference between them?
Aunt Fritzi was better-drawn, the heads were at different angles, this just feels a lot lazier to me.
Boy, you are a big ball of negativity today.
*Gestures vaguely at everything.*
Dude, you’re getting all pissed off about comics
I’m not sure why you think demonstrating what I was talking about is me being pissed off, but I guess if that’s what you want to think, go for it.
I would readily concede that the art is simpler now (and Fritzi isn’t exactly the same “hot tomato” she once was depicted as), but I would also say the specific strip I posted isn’t representative of the art in the modern strip. Usually characters are facing the viewer, and there’s a bit more variety in panel construction. And I can’t speak for Bushmiller, but from what I’ve heard about the fella he loved a good gag and ahem cashing checks – so I’d like to think even if he didn’t think its modern form was funny, he’d be pleased that Nancy was still a going concern. But that’s just my two cents as a fan; I’m neither a historian or psychic.
Nah, Olivia James is doing great.
The last guy in charge was just boomer humor.