To experience jnmartin84‘s fan adaptation of Doom 64 on the Sega Dreamcast, acquire a Doom 64 ROM in Z64 format and utilize the essential source files and tools available on GitHub to independently compile the game.
More Dreamcast goodies.
The recent few Dreamcast fan ports have finally gotten me to finish adding a GDEMU to mine
Has there been a recent resurgence of Dreamcast development? I’m hearing more about it now than I did when it was new!
The sonic mania and gta3 ports are the other two I can think of off the top of my head but I’m pretty sure there are more relatively recent ones
I don’t know if it ever stopped. Seems like every other month there’s a port or a homebrew that eventually goes retail.
The Atomiswave arcade ports are great.
Dreamcast Junkyard is the typical forum for all things that are “still thinking”
“Fan ports Doom 64 to Sega Dreamcast” reads as a much better title.