Meanwhile this is my future
Best attitude to have
nobody young now gets to be old though. we get to die in the water wars. get witchy now.
Don’t worry, dehydration will make you look old.
Old ladies can be seriously cool.
Just keep in mind how you age is on you
Old person here: you should wait. Not just because you get swollen with creaky joints, but because your cats die.
If you’re worried about being old, you’re already old…
I’m jealous, old wizards while powerful are always cringe. This will be my fate.
The true wizards embrace the cringe, and are free
They are not cringe at all! I love wizards! Bonus points for a beard but smooth or whiskery is fine.
I think it’s only cringe to you because it’s where you’re heading. Kind of like how I remind my hetero friend they aren’t going to find themselves attractive because they aren’t attracted to their own gender.
Be who you are, and the right people will find you awesome!