I still have one in a closet since about 5 years. One day it will rust through, explode and turn everything in my closet white. But maybe I’ll need it again 😅
Spray paint should be taxed high enough to pay the cleanup of all the ugly tags.
I like graffiti. Every city I visit without it feels soulless.
Eh, I don’t mind tasteful graffiti but when it’s literally just a dozen tags with nothing artistic about it then that’s pretty shit.
The tags themselves are artistic, it’s
A) Modern calligraphy
B) A statement of existence, an “I was here,” which is a super common basis for art.
There’s an entire culture behind it too.
I also like nice graffiti but even those end up covered by a bunch of ugly and lazy tags. As for cities being soulless without it, I guess you never went to a city that is not a glorified parking lot.
“Everyone throw your hands in the air!”
What Botox does to a mfer
One can (well, two, one for the outline) will get you two throws max, maybe like 10 tags with an NY fat.
And they do make smaller cans, assuming Krylon ShortCuts still exist, and there’s always the MTN pocket cans, but those are available in less colors. Still female cans though so no adapter needed!