Just wait until you talk to a newfie
people who talk at the end of commercials
I thought these were a joke until I saw a TV ad that actually did it. You’d think it makes the scam hilariously obvious.
In brazil they just say government mandated shit like “talk to a doctor before buying meds” or “dont drink and drive” in lawyer speech
In America it’s more like, “Bazynga has been shown in the lab to treat bone cancer with a 100% success rate! Ask your doctor today if Bazynga is right for you!”
^sideeffectsofBazyngamayincludeheadachenauseaupsetstomachbonecancerorboneitis. ^InsomecasesBazyngamaymakeyourbonecancerworse. ^Stopuseandaskyourdoctorifyourlegscomeoff.
There’s a Werner Herzog documentary about an auction-calling competition titled “How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck” which is well worth seeing.
Boomhauer must be Shaggy levels of godlike power.
That was amazing.
People who can sing the bridge of Hardware Store by Weird Al.
I can do the bottom three just fine. I cannot out-rap most professionals at present.
Spanish football commentators
Busta rhymes