that’s all I want to know, thanks
Uh, is your phone bulging? It might just be the lighting but if it’s visibly bulging please stop being anywhere near it.
That’s the shape those early phones had. The back was curved until the iPhone 4. Now they are all flat backed.
Kust like me ☹️
not really, the curvature on the back lid is by design
I cant make out the model number in your photo…
Although external identification requires sharp eyes to spot it down at the bottom of the back of the phone, the iPhone 3G is model number A1241 and the iPhone 3GS is A1303. The China-only iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS models that do not have Wi-Fi are model number A1324 and A1325, respectively.
Does it turn on? If it can record videos, it’s a 3GS.
Looks exactly like my old 3GS. I think only the 3GS had the shiny silvery lettering on the back. So I vote 3GS.