I’ve tried all the “font detectors” online and none of them gave me the name of the actual font. They all looked kinda the same but they’re not the same font. Could someone please identify it and let me know? Thank you in advance.
EDIT: Here is the site where I found it. Please ignore the content. It’s a long story
It looks like HoboTLR
Please post the answer when you find out.
I actually found it in the “inspect” menu in firefox. It is the latienne-pro font
Is it Latienne Std Regular?
I checked the image with What the Font?
I used this what the font site and it gave me the same result. It’s close but not the same.
My browser says the font used on the site is Latienne Pro.
This actually might be it. I’ve been comparing letters and they’re very similar. Thank you
Looks very similar to Footlight. Maybe it’s by the same designer (Ong Chong Wah)?
where did you come across this? if it’s a web page or something, it should be pretty easy to sleuth it out.
Yes exactly, if it is a website the font will be downloaded to your browser and you can see what it is (and grab the font file…) in your browser network tools. Filter for font types like woff, otf, ttf to help you find it.
Downloaded it in a .woff format and then converted it to .otf. Thank you for making me learn something new
It’s an article that I’ve linked into the OP. Edited it. So I guess I can do an “inspect” on Firefox and find the font somewhere there?
Yes. Here’s what it looks like for your example website on my end:
Yup. Downloaded it in a .woff format and then converted it to .otf. It looks fantastic on my kobo ereader