Seems like they stonewalled anyone that would want to develop an app.
EU: Allow users to download outside your Store.
Apple: Ok. They just have to register with us two years ago, comply to every spec and be approved by us, and they must have a million installs on our Store last year to qualify.
EU: …that’s not what we meant.
Apple: 😎
They’re being investigated for DMA non-compliance already, it’s a stalling tactic.
To offer an app for download from a website in the European Union, developers need to meet specific criteria. Developers need to be a member of the Apple Developer Program for two continuous years or more and must have an app with more than one million first installs on iOS in the European Union in the prior year.
This seems specifically disqualify Epic as they aren’t a member for two continuous years due to being booted by Apple. Apple must be really hates Epic.
Nothing could go wrong here ;)
Very clearly malicious compliance. Just because you can now download things outside of the store, you still cannot install something that Apple deemed unworthy