I was thinking the seller might have a curse that would cause her to get hit by a car, but she had the crystal that was constantly protecting her until she handed it over. But I like your idea too.
I was thinking the seller might have a curse that would cause her to get hit by a car, but she had the crystal that was constantly protecting her until she handed it over. But I like your idea too.
I recently went to the grocery store and before I started scanning at the self-checkout, I realized someone else had scanned a box of “Men’s libido max” pills and apparently left as it required ID or something to buy, and I guess they didn’t want to look someone in the face and buy it.
So then I had to look someone in the face while they cleared it from the register, probably thinking that I was the one who had the change of heart.
I mean the downsides are basically cost, another stick/blood draw, potential for false positive and further anxiety/testing. No weigh-in on whether or not any individual should at any specific time, but even less-invasive screenings are not zero risk.
Excerpt from the US Preventative Task Force about prostate cancer screening:
“An elevated PSA level may be caused by prostate cancer but can also be caused by other conditions, including an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis). Some men without prostate cancer may therefore have positive screening results (ie, “false-positive” results). Men with a positive PSA test result may undergo a transrectal ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy of the prostate to diagnose prostate cancer.”
Tumblr source: https://ahoyuniverse.com/