Submissive and breedable ai
Submissive and breedable ai
Its in the XYZ 234.ERE12 quantum coordinates, warn you though they are HORNY!
Yeah I will NOT be staying here, the fallout-like timeline was better which is saying something
Well I went to a timeline where Reddit managed to organize a nuclear attack against Russia and it backfired HARD, a timeline where we never moved on from the 90s which sounds awesome and it was but the uncriticized ultra-consumption of those times eventually laid waste to the world, a world where JK Rowling succeded at making TERFs the mainstream feminism wave, a timeline where X is the ONLY major website left in the world and its as awful as it sounds, a timeline where being a CIS man was illegal, a timeline where Musk is president, a timeline where pernanently horny sentient sex-robots rule over humanity and a timeline where the soviet union defeated the United States during the cold war so “President” Putin is the most powerful man in the world.
So yeah…I think there is a problem with my dimensional hopper, it only sends me to “dark” timelines
I actually went to that timeline! And its more complex than you think because well yes, there technology is far cooler and more whimsical, abd yes there world is more socialistic, has more free time, better prices and less of a late stage capitalism nightmare…
But you should just see how many racial slurs those people used just this morning and half of those women cant vote and have polio.
Also I am pretty sure left-handed people got hunted to extinction for some reason
Timeline hopping is a mixed bag
I mean…they probably cant go back to reddit lmao
He really knows how to open a girls heart
Breaking Egg
Yep…As someone who got banned from reddit, reddit and discord absorbing the entire internet like a tumor is really not helping my will to live.
Why I havent given hope on time travel
“Step 1: finger them till they cum”
Looks cool but they should add more games at least double, those games are tiny so it wouldnt be that hard either
“She said she was 15 your honor”
So THAT is how Riddler realized Batman was Bruce Wayne!
Finding a way to time travel
Reddit’s CEO right now