You know what’s easy on the eyes? Dark mode.
some guy… somewhere
You know what’s easy on the eyes? Dark mode.
Only morons listen to extremists about other extremists. - Me, now.
Tired of people putting faith in alt-left historical shitlords like Lenin.
Which is why I want to drive the ones who still have a duty to this country’s ideals to act. There ARE those who are like that, you know. And have the rule of law of this country on their side. So let’s go.
For me, ever since we went to digital I can’t get shit here. Tried the fanciest, best, etc, digital receivers and fucking nothing. We didn’t get the clearest analog signal in the world, but at least we got something watchable. Everyone just says “get aerial” for local channels and haha, nope, sorry.
They can’t do that. The simple rule of LAW IN THIS COUNTRY should be enough to stop them. All we have to do is remove them from power. Where is the Democrats gathering part of our military and law enforcement to oust these people from our government? This is all it takes. Our country has very clear, simple laws that prohibit exactly what is going on right the fuck now from happening, and it’s still happening. Why? Because they’re afraid they’ll be seen as the same as the people from 6 January? That it will give these asshats some sort of ammunition against actual justice? Fuck them. Fuck them, throw them out, lock them up, and re-educate the people that this shit isn’t going to be tolerated. We can remove them forcefully because they did something wrong, they couldn’t remove anyone because we didn’t.
It’s that goddamn simple. How is it not that goddamn simple? Fucking do something. Fucking throw these fuckers out. Now. Not next election cycle, not whenever a bunch of people want to finally get off their ass and violently rebel, fucking right now.
No, because it doesn’t happen. Guaranteed your storage device or some other hardware component is having problems that is corrupting your drive.
Exercise and going outside makes me have depression and mental illness.
Almost like… some people are different. Shocking, I know. Wish musclebrains who can’t understand people who enjoy being inside and left alone would stop with this BUT JUST EXERCISE kick they’re on to make us “just like them.”
Star Wars (no, it wasn’t “EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE”), Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi were the only good SW movies. The rest are embarrassingly bad fanfiction. Just because people laugh at the prequel memes doesn’t make the prequels good. We as a society fell when we started laughing at all the horrible parts of the prequels and then asked ourselves “wait, if we’re being entertained by the prequels, does that mean they were good?” and coming to the absolute wrong conclusion.
My hands are bone dry and this works. Try harder.
Sure seemed like one from the amount of fucking goddamn hype it got.
It was dumb, but at least it was semi-fun dumb. Thank goodness they never made any more Matrix movies after the first one.
shut up shut up shut up shut up no they didn’t shut up shut up
Why do both of the Spider-Man animated movies look like they’re something like 15 frames per second? It actually made me sort of nauseous to watch them when things were moving around really fast.
OT lightsaber fights looked like people who practiced the idea of “less is more” combat and knew pointless flailing and twirling around was useless against a similarly skilled opponent. This MADE SENSE. Everyone in the prequels flipping around and going nuts with the lightsabers and all that – it was laughable. Even Luke in the OT who wasn’t as skilled as some of the so-called “masters” from the prequels used at least some restraint and thought when fighting.
The prequels are garbage and I’m sick of people who think they’re good just because we made memes out of them.
There Will Be Blood. Wooden acting, almost nothing happens, the soundtrack is earsplitting noise, but everyone loves it because of the “milkshake” meme at the end.
Fuck that movie. Walked out on it halfway through, read about what “happened” afterwards later (spoiler: fucking nothing) and regret nothing.
Come on.
Find correct end of bag, bag will tell you which is correct
Place that end of bag between your (dry, not breathed on, non-disgusting) palms
Rub back and forth a few times
Enjoy your open bag
What part of “WE HAVE THE MEATS” do you not understand? /s
Go to Arby’s
Get their roast beef sandwich
Stop by the grocery store
Get REAL horseradish sauce
Go home or wherever, put the real horseradish sauce on your roast beef sandwiches, enjoy.
Arby sauce and their “horsey” sauce are garbage. Their actual foods are mostly fine.
Just get a fucking bidet
So I walk around all day with swamp ass. Pass, will continue to use regular, actually flushable TP.
it’s one of the best in terms of collecting metadata and stats regarding your heath
…and sharing that to Apple, your mobile provider, the government, your health care provider, and every huge business who wants to know everything about you against every single bit of privacy we as human beings should have by default. Apple is an evil corporation (and so is Google, and Amazon, and Microsoft, and tons of others) and the less information you give them, the better. If you want to monitor your health, find a device that YOU control and does not give the information to anyone you do not approve of. (And Apple will say they don’t, but it’s been shown in the past that this is a huge lie for so many other things they swear to keep private.)
Because there aren’t 100000000000000 other, much better games to play out there. Nope. Tarkov is the only game ever created that is any good. So good that people are willing to allow rootkit anti-cheat garbageware to be installed on their system to play this holy, godly, superhyper great game.