Hello! I’ve been searching for a reddit alternative, and yes, I’ve picked Lemmy and Raddle, but here’s the thing. My morbid curiosity is perked up, and a part of me wants to join the “free speech” alternatives, like Saidit, Poal, etc. What’s wrong with me that I want to join toxic places? I mean, yes I’ll find a whole new perspective (albeit wrong), on political topics, but a part of me wants to be the antagonist, and post lefty memes, and music with a left-leaning message (bands from r/rabm) I know that’s like kicking the hornet’s nest, so you don’t need to start in with “that’s a bad idea” I know it is. My main point/question is, is it wrong to join a site with potential hate speech? Does it make someone a bad person?

  • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works
    10 months ago

    You do not, and there’s no reasonable way you could have gotten that from what I’ve said

    I said fascists, not right wingers. Your association of the two is entirely your own. I am honestly tired of this one sided weirdness where every time I say fascist, certain people hear right wing. The two very much differ

    Yes, general left wing propaganda is less dangerous than fascist propaganda. I hope we can agree on this basic fact.

    Also, my point is that here we value truth more than a freedom of speech absolutist community. Lies and false info is speech, by definition a freedom of speech absolutist community will, always, allow lies to be spread. It’s fundamental to their belief system. The same would go for a normal, non absolutist, right wing community. Lastly, I said, clearly, that fascist thrive in absolutism. Where they can lie continually without recourse

    I never said it was good to spread this false info. I said the opposite

    Less dangerous means it’s still dangerous. I was clear on this point, it is a danger, and you should still be cautious. Here though, once more, obviously false info may be taken down.

    Please re-read my comment. You like so many others in this digital age decide what a person is saying rather than trying to understand it. You gave no respect for conversation nor do you truly wish to discuss this topic. It’s exhausting. I said none of what you’ve claimed and in fact stated the opposite several times.

    You are the reason debate is dead (metaphor)

    • howrar@lemmy.ca
      10 months ago

      I’ll go over this again later when I have more time, but for now, I just want to say that I don’t appreciate spending so much time trying to understand what you’ve written only to be met with accusations of having deliberately done the exact opposite. I may not be particularly smart, but I’m putting in the effort.

      • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        I am really, very sick of saying one thing before having to confirm it applies to “both sides”. I say you are not immune to propaganda, you hear don’t listen to the other side. The term “you are not immune to propaganda” is neutral. You were the only one here to bring up “left” or “right”.

        I’m sick of people ignoring my words and ascribing new meaning. I say, left wing propaganda is in no way different from right wing propaganda and that absolutist freedom of speech leads to fascists thriving, you hear me saying that lies from the left are good and that the right lies much more than the left. The only person I said lied were the fascists, who thrive where they can lie, in the absolutest freedom of speech alternatives

        This is continual. I say none of these things yet you accuse me of this. I don’t appriciate you suggesting the antithesis of what I said is what I meant. I don’t appriciate this strange conflation of the entire right wing with facism nor the suggestion I did so. I may be left wing, but I’m not going to suggest the right wing is fascist. That is inflammatory and idiotic

        No, there’s no rational way you could have gotten what you claim to from reading what I wrote. I was perfectly clear. You have not put in the effort.

        • howrar@lemmy.ca
          10 months ago

          So my efforts didn’t yield the correct understanding. I recognize that it happens and that’s why I put a short summary of my understanding right at the start so that you can easily correct it without having to read through everything else and expend unnecessary energy trying to parse it out. If you don’t want to continue the discussion, that’s fine. I can find my answers elsewhere. There’s no need to be a dick about it.