There was an episode of Reading Rainbow where he is on the Star Trek set and is putting on the costume, and my little child brain was completely blown.
I don’t think I’ve watched Reading Rainbow since sometome in the early 90s! When I was in elementary school they used to gather up 2 or 3 classes together in one room and turn the lights off and put on Reading Rainbow and it was one of the best parts of the school week lol
It looks like there are a bunch of episodes on YouTube, but I’m worried if I watch it I will go into nostalgia overload
Levar is now doing a podcast, of short stories for adults.! Thanks! I have to go out of town today I might listen to this in the car!
It’s pretty great. Gives you just enough nostalgia, but with more grown up books. It’s amazing.
A big turning point for TNG was when they moved Geordi to head engineering and involved him a lot more. But let’s be honest, Geordi’s always got one finger on the jettison button…that seems to be an even better “fix” to most things that turning them off and back on.
Reading Rainbow started years before and ended years after Star Trek The Next Generation, completely eclipsing it.
So during TNG, this was every day of his life.