Now that the Reddit exodus is about a year old and the client apps have matured, what’s the latest state of the above question?
What app do you use and why? I’m mainly interested in Android but suggestions for other platforms are also welcome. And if you are using multiple platforms, what’s your primary one?
I just use the default website in Firefox for Android.
There are dozens of us!
Early on I tried out other apps and they looked snappier and had many features but none I used.
Jerboa though has always worked and by default everything works exactly as I want and expect. So for me it can’t be beaten.
Jerboa works fine… except when I have to search for something. Why is ‘search’ not a ‘search post/comments’ function but a ‘search community’ one?
Jerboa went though a period time relatively early on in it’s development when it was a buggy, nearly unusable mess. It started out cool, then it shit the bed, and now I guess it’s cool again lol.
Unfortunately I didn’t wait for it to get good again at the time and I ended up switching to wefwef, which has now been renamed Voyager. Voyager never really went though a buggy period on my end as an Android user.
Currently enjoying Arctic and Voyager. Arctic has potential to be my final app of choice.
Android user.
I used Liftoff until it broke with the API change a couple months back. The Dev has been AFK looking after twin kids. Hope they are going well.
Tried Thunder for a while but it kept crashing or forgetting what post I was looking at when switching between apps.
Using Voyager now and I am quite happy with it. I miss the All servers you have accounts with feed view from Liftoff but that is not a biggie.
Yeah, once Liftoff stopped working, I switched to Boost.
Basically same. I also tried sync and another one that I can’t remember but I stayed with Voyager
I haven’t really played around with anything else since Sync for Lemmy was released, because I’m perfectly happy with it.
I’m using Mlem, and it’s worked good so far
I still use Eternity, but unfortunately it seems like development stopped. Still the best IMO.
same here. tried jerboa and thunder for a but always come back to eternity. maybe it’s just cause I’ve been using infinity for so long lol.
Sync. Customizable, pretty, working without issues, dev keeps on updating. Really good app…
Boost is also great.
I use boost and voyager
In the beginning, it was a mix of LiftOff! and Jerboa. The dev of LiftOff! had twins and understandably, he hasn’t returned and the app has fallen to the wayside.
So I tried Thunder (available on Android and iOS) and it’s been really good, lots of regular updates and features as well.
The website’s been updated, so we can link to that now.
I used Memmy up until development stopped and now use Voyager. It feels the most like Apollo did so it’s got my vote for best app
Thank you for pointing this out! I was using Memmy because it was first on the App Store but have since switched back to Mlem (which I did beta for). It is a hell of a lot more fresh on features!
I use Thunder. It looks nice, runs well, is actively developed, and the devs are very communicative and open to feedback.
I use Jebora and am happy, is there something important I’m missing? I was a Reddit is Fun user before and I like both because of how simple and basic they are. I hated the official reddit app for the reasons above.
Edit: the one thing I don’t like is you can’t, or I don’t know how, to collapse all child comments.
I will admit I am very biased as a contributor to Thunder. I’m not an expert on all clients but Thunder has some super cool features.
- Really good markdown rendering (I’ve seen it render things that the other “big” apps miss.
- The agility to post and (soon) comment as any of your logged-in accounts.
- Notifications for inbox messages, soon to be integrated with UnifiedPush.
- Really good Lemmy link parsing and in-app navigation.
- Ability to favorite communities.
- Customizable swipe gestures, username and community name formatting and coloring, action colors, etc.
And these are just some of the recent things on the top of my head! I’m sure others can chime in with things I missed!
Thanks for your service! I’ve been trying out Thunder and I’m generally happy with it so far.
I don’t know how, to collapse all child comments.
Do you mean for an entire post? Or do you mean per comment?
It has my favorite user interface, but I feel that it bogs down after viewing a series of images.
I also feel that development has stalled a bit(edit, I was mistaken: they just released a pre release).I haven’t found a better one, though. Next best so far has been Racoon.
Image caching is something that has had to have been tuned over time. It can be really RAM hungry but at the same time it can be dumb to re-download images if you have the RAM to spare.
Latest versions no longer cache a lot of images, but aggressive caching can still be enabled in settings.
I’ve been using Eternity for probably nine of these months
Thunder. It feels most similar to what I used back when I was still using Reddit.
I use Jerboa. It’s fine. It’s the only one I’ve tried though.