This is too close to reality for me, here take my upvote!
Why is BREKING misspelled in the news ticker in the last panel?
Hilarious comic tho…
Because it’s breking news 👍
The girl also prayed to get an A on her spelling test and instead of making her know the words the prayer made that spelling correct.
This is 100X better than a PizzaCake comic. Solid work.
What’s the comparison here?
This is 100X better than a PizzaCake comic.
Thanks I love it!
War and peas is one of the most underrated comics of all time.
I feel like god would be playing something like The Sims, except it’s really us. lol
They should make a reboot of Bruce Almighty.
Yeah. Maybe one about Noah’s Ark or something. No way out could fail.
Why didn’t he do that when i asked to wake up to a room full of new Lego sets