I set up Stremio + Real Debrid for my girlfriend and we have been really enjoying it.
Since we use different VPNs at the moment, I had the idea to create a VM with stremio and a connection to the same server she’s connected to.
The idea being we could use the debrid account simultaneously and have the same IP.
I quickly realized that the last digit of our client IPs were 0-3 digits off from each other, IE: vs
Upon seeing this I stopped and checked the debrid account/email to check for a warning and saw nothing.
Question 1: Is this safe/acceptable, or is this considered breach of debrid TOS?
Question 2: Would configuring a VPN on our router solve this issue? Or would it be the same situation?
I’m a bit of a networking idiot as you can see but I’m on a journey to learn.
Thanks in advance
I have debris installed on fire sticks that my family has across the country and I’ve never heard anything from them as long as I keep paying my subscription
oh word? That’s interesting thank you for the insight.
I gave a mate my username/password and immediately got blocked on Debrid when he used it…
hmm strange. If you log into your debrid account and go to /downloads it shows you the history and IP of all connections. You can look and see if he gave it to someone else, or connected from 2 devices at once etc.
It was one of them 1 week ban and all API tokens revoked things. I just told him to get his hand in his pocket
Are they using debrid at the same time at different locations/IPs? I thought that wasn’t allowed
2 simultaneous sessions on different devices/IP’s = inconsequential. A 3rd simultaneous session = auth tokens revoked on all authorised devices, and you get a warning that lasts for 1 week. If 3 simultaneous sessions occur again within that time then your account gets removed.
Awesome! Thank you for that info that’s exactly what I needed.