For those worried, it’s called The Call of the Void, and it isn’t a sign of suicidal ideation or premeditation in of itself, it’s just apparently one of those things our brains do because they hate us sometimes.
It’s actually a very good thing! It’s an extension of creativity, which has been one of humanities’ greatest assets throughout history. Being able to think up a wide number of possibilities of ways to respond to the world is super helpful, but you do have to have a good sense of which ones are bad, and very few are nearly this obvious.
For those worried, it’s called The Call of the Void, and it isn’t a sign of suicidal ideation or premeditation in of itself, it’s just apparently one of those things our brains do because they hate us sometimes.
The important thing isn’t your first thought (the call of the void), but your second (your reaction to the call)
“Hippity, hoppity, I’ll be as flat as a floppy disk.”
It’s actually a very good thing! It’s an extension of creativity, which has been one of humanities’ greatest assets throughout history. Being able to think up a wide number of possibilities of ways to respond to the world is super helpful, but you do have to have a good sense of which ones are bad, and very few are nearly this obvious.