Kind of a hard question to word, but is there anything in your life you have recommended to other people but no one’s ever gotten into?

I love podcasts and have friends who still thank me for getting them into this one or that one. But I’ve never gotten anyone to listen to My Brother, My Brother and Me. I don’t know if the name is unappealing or the concept but people seem to bounce off immediately.

So what can’t you get people into and why should we check it out?

  • Dalek
    1 year ago

    Hello fellow Monster Hunter! Similar experience, but it gets worse as someone who really likes Monster Hunter Frontier - because not even die-hard classic MH players will touch it, because of the perception that it’s “too anime”. It’s sad, because honestly it’s a great time, no other game in the series has Frontier’s level of variety.

      1 year ago

      Heya! I actually haven’t played Frontier! Mostly on account of the fact that I don’t actually have the means to play it, otherwise I would certainly give it a go. From what I’ve heard others say about it, they said its challenge stemmed from having to claw your way through, and it wasn’t comfortable as their hands would cramp lol. Oh really? Variety in quests? Weapons? And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with some anime flair, though tbf, I wouldn’t ever touch God Eater for that very reason. That one is too anime for me.

      I would still try Frontier though. MH has easily become one of my favorite series. I’m still slowly getting through MHGU also but there’s just sooo many quests, holy shit.

      Did you ever try Wild Hearts, btw? Sucks it flopped bc I still to this day wanna try it. Looks so fun but I’ve seen and heard all the things lol.

      • Dalek
        1 year ago

        Hey mate, I’m doing a quick response rn and will return at some point to properly write up a lengthier response!

        The claw can happen in Frontier if you’re running the default controls - I’ve been playing in Portable mode though, which uses the Tri Classic Controller scheme, although my experience was it’s a pain in the backside to figure out how to change the controls if you’re not used to Freedom Unite’s menus (Frontier was based on Dos)

        As for the variety, Frontier boasts something like 188 unique monsters including subspecies, rare species and other variants. Each of these has their weapons (to no one’s surprise). In addition there are two unique weapon classes that haven’t appeared in any other games - the Tonfas which are basically very short dual blades that punch and give air time, unique buffs and a powered-up explosive attack, (think a proto-Insect Glaive), and the Magnet Spike which is the most unbalanced thing I have ever had the pleasure of using in a video game - it simply melts most G Rank monsters. Further, the game has an extra layer of difficulty above G Rank called “Zenith” which includes fifteen unique variants of existing monsters, which has similarities with Deviants from GU. If Frontier does appeal to you, I recommend you track down PewPewDojo’s discord, they can get you set up with a private server.

        Can relate to your comments about GU, it’s a massive game and honestly even after playing it for nearly four hundred hours over the span of the last five years I’m still discovering new stuff.

        I’ve always been intrigued by Wild Hearts tbh, never had the chance though (it came out during my thesis and just kinda slipped by). I really do need to try it though.