Buddy, let me explain something to you. I do not want children. Ever. If I were married to someone who decided they wanted children, I would for sure get a divorce, because there is no compromise to be made. Having a child is all or nothing. You can’t halfway become a parent.
Of course, anyone I might marry would understand why a divorce is necessary and wouldn’t fight me on it.
It certainly is if you don’t talk about it. There may be various middle grounds here but you won’t find them if you just get divorced.
That’s why the very first panel says “several months ago”, not “several seconds ago”
And that’s why the third panel says “present day”?
Oh wait, it doesn’t.
I mean, if you’re dumb enough to not understand that divorce takes time, that’s kind of on you
No reason to start hurling personal attacks.
I do not subscribe to the “there are no stupid questions” theory.
Buddy, let me explain something to you. I do not want children. Ever. If I were married to someone who decided they wanted children, I would for sure get a divorce, because there is no compromise to be made. Having a child is all or nothing. You can’t halfway become a parent.
Of course, anyone I might marry would understand why a divorce is necessary and wouldn’t fight me on it.