Authoritarians shouldn’t hold a monopoly on the communist label. Anarchism is much more in line with communism imo. Seeing as both anarchic and communist societies would both be stateless, moneyless, and classles
No government that ever called itself communist was ever a communist government. At some point, you have to realize that when people say communist, they refer to the thing that all the governments that called themselves communist are.
Yup, theres the edgy communist propaganda Ive come to expect
Yeah I’m blockin this community. Fuckin weirdos.
Man, go through a few Existential Comics. They’re hilarious.
I’m 100% sure you’re not getting the joke here.
The cartoon would work just as well if the Wolf had an American flag pin on his jacket and the pigs wore Native American headdresses.
Would work better if the pig had a confederate flag pin
Every “-ism” either enforces itself with violence or it dies.
Excuse me? It’s edgy anarchist propaganda. That ain’t no hammer and sickle on the wolf’s lapel. 😤
This is really more like anarchist propaganda than communist.
But Communists would fully agree here, as they do on many things with Anarchists
People not versed in political theory won’t see a difference.
Authoritarians shouldn’t hold a monopoly on the communist label. Anarchism is much more in line with communism imo. Seeing as both anarchic and communist societies would both be stateless, moneyless, and classles
No government that ever called itself communist was ever a communist government. At some point, you have to realize that when people say communist, they refer to the thing that all the governments that called themselves communist are.
It’s almost like I was attempting to address that contradiction with my comment or something.
Signed, an anarcho-communist
Wait, only communists get to dunk on Libertarian NAP nonsense? Those commies really do get to have all the fun.