This is the worst part about Apple. I support apple at my work but it gets harder and harder to hear my daughters talk about the bullying on text groups.
WTF is wrong with Apple?
This is a people problem, not a technology problem.
If it’s not bubbles, it’s the style of jeans, or where you come from, or which football team you support. Bullies will always find something to use.
@DirigibleProtein @Nunar kids are assholes, some adults act like children, it’s inevitable
It’s not because the bubbles are green, it’s not because SMS is bad, it’s because people suck
Many moons ago I worked in IT and telecoms providers would happily hand over plain text transcripts of SMS conversations. Blue bubbles for me
There was a famous psychological study looking at in-groups and out-groups (us vs them mentality). They tested people with completely arbitrary differences. Things like giving some people short pencils and others tall pencils to see what would happen. Before long, those with similar pencils colluded together finding other similarities to bind them as a group. Not only that, but they looked down on their counterparts.
The famous “Robber’s Cave” study looked at this as well:
They’ve found this pattern everywhere and with everyone, child, adult, every ethnicity. It’s how we are wired. Team Apple. No fuck you, I’m team Android. Windows vs macOS. Consoles are better than gaming PCs! It goes on and on and on. Blue bubbles vs green bubbles. Even if Apple switched the colors, it wouldn’t matter. People would still be pissed text messages got blue.
There’s also one huge factor no one talks about: green is not Android. Green is SMS. Since there is no interoperability between Android RCS and iMessage yet, it comes in as a standard SMS.
I care about the color of the message insofar as it indicates whether it’s encrypted or not.
If not color, what should they switch to in order to still communicate this information to the user?
The article isn’t clear on how encryption will work with RCS. Guess I’ll be looking into that.
This is what I was going to say. It’s good to know if a message chain is going over Apples E2E encryption or regular SMS that’s completely transparent to the carrier. There’s also a fundamental technological difference that allows group messages over iMessage, but not over SMS. iOS 18 supporting RCS helps a lot, but I still think it’s a good idea to have an easy way to differentiate iMessages vs RCS vs SMS due to security and functional differences.
Signal displays text bubbles in all sorts of colors. But I feel the encryption is stronger when the bubble is pink 🩷
I guess I’ll need to have it happen to me in order for me to actually understand why this is even a problem… I just can’t fathom caring at all.
Probably because you’re not a kid.
Imagine caring about the colour of speech bubbles and calling it “bullying”. Some people can’t be helped.
Teenagers very much do. Apple does as well. You’ve obviously disconnected from it and so your opinion is irrelevant.
If you kid can get “bullied” over the colour of a speech bubble you fundamentally failed as a parent.
You don’t have kids or don’t interact with people. You’re also a giant part of the problem.
Nice assumptions you have there.
Also I’m not the problem. It’s the bad companies with their colour choices that are to blame!!!
You’re very right about that. That was my whole point to begin with!
Also, WTF is this? That’s like saying, “if you can’t take a punch, you shouldn’t be crying.”
It’s Apple and the supporters that have let this nonsense go on for so long that have failed.
“If you don’t make fun of a kid to the point where they will commit suicide unless you buy them an iPhone, you’ve failed as a parent.”
It’s Apple and the supporters that have let this nonsense go on for so long that have failed.
On what date did Apple visit your kid’s school to encourage bullying?
“If you don’t make fun of a kid to the point where they will commit suicide unless you buy them an iPhone, you’ve failed as a parent.”
Right, because there is just nothing else you as a parent could do here. Like parenting. Nah, that sounds like effort. Better just buy product so child is happy.
Please call CPS on yourself.
It really amazes me that you defend bullying to keep loving apple here. That you would really tell parents that they’re not doing enough by saying “you should just take a beating”
Don’t bother replying. I’m blocking you and I’m championing what a horrendous piece of shit you are. You have demonstrated the entire issue I brought up. Thank you for the record. Dumbass.
Wow. Fuck you you goddamn troll. “Don’t worry that you’re not included because of a different bubble color”
I would love for you to live a semester in their shoes. I gave you the benefit of the doubt earlier, but it’s plainly obvious that you are fully in support of bullying and exclusion. I would say CPS should be called on your parents, but you’re obviously over 30 and living in their basement with a lot of spiders. So just… Fuck you
I really hope other see this.
You didn’t buy an Apple product for your daughters? What kind of monster are you?
In the case of children, isn’t some of this on the parents involved as well? Have the parents of affected children talked to each other about it and reached out to the parents of the bullies to ask if they know their child’s been bullying or however one might go about that conversation?
That said, Apple’s certainly in the wrong in taking advantage of this, and in many ways it’s no surprise. They’re essentially a luxury brand, whose entire business model is exploiting this kind of behavior of social pressure and buying specific products to better fit into a group.
There are literally committes for talking about it. 3 people because nobody cares. No physical hurt = no real bullying.
I know right! The text bubble discrimination is unreal!
To make money
Sadly, yes
If it’s that important to them then get them an iPhone? But then they will just get bullied if their iPhone isn’t new enough so maybe the problem isn’t the bubble color after all but the bullying.
When RCS is implemented, even if the bubble color is still green, the rich media features being available is going to eliminate the pain points of messaging between platforms. The bullies might still bubble shame but everyone else will stop caring.
Back when BlackBerry and their unified inbox (all messages from email, AOL, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, etc. in one single list of messages) was still a thing - did people get bullied because of their choice of messenger?
People definitely got mocked in more tech focused communities for using AOL.
I get they’re going to support RCS soon, but why let this shit happen for so long?
It is a valuable cue to immediately distinguish encrypted from plaintext.
And where I live you pay for SMS. So blue is free, but green is not. Also helpful.
I bet their version of RCS is also minimal. Just so they can complain about how broken RCS is. Thanks to their shenanigans, third party messaging apps thrive outside of the standards and market fragmentation is real. Getting to be a damn pain having to check which apps a person has before being able to communicate with them.
Read up on RCS’ history, and current standard.
RCS is a clown college of brokenness that doesn’t include encryption, and not even all of the telcoms in the country put together could make an official client for it. It is no more a standard than iMessage, and it certainly isn’t as good of one.
RCS at this point is just another Google messenger. And officially unencrypted as well. At least Google recently implemented encryption on top of it and it looks like Apple will adopt it as well.
Yes, but proprietary methods encourage fragmentation. Id rather they build on a universal standard that gets updated once in a while. If apple were to open up iMessage, I’d be on board. But not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.
RCS dates back to 2007/2008 when it was still called lots of other names. (E.g. Joyn) And since then, not many cell providers adopted it. For all other providers (and those still sitting on an old version of RCS), communication will happen via Google-servers. It basically is a proprietary service under the disguise of a public standard. Especially because of this I’d rather use “proprietary” encrypted chats with it, so Google doesn’t get a copy of all my texts.
If RCS gets the bubbles the same color, whatever, that’s great. I always encourage 3rd party apps like Signal to at least get reasonable encryption. I am actually proud of a lot of the kids to use something else.
They rely on their customers to pressure others into switching. Also their customers don’t understand how anything works, so they think that Android phones are broken and don’t support cool features. They’re unaware that their beloved Apple is enforcing a closed system, and holding them hostage as customers, refusing to adopt other protocols.
Inferiority complex much?
The color thing is deeply stupid. You can’t change it because Apple won’t allow you to. They use the green because it’s ugly and they do it on purpose. Apple actively degrades your experience because they can, and because they want your experience to be worse for a reason.
That is fucking bonkers to me.
The 15 pro is my first iPhone. I cannot believe there are people that defend this. It’s just absurd. I can’t even fathom bootlicking a company decision to make their device worse for me.
Apple does not use green because it’s ugly. Green was the original color for SMS since iphone 1, when imessage did not even exist yet. That’s why the app icon is green to this day, not blue. At that time green was the only color in the app, and the app was in fact called “SMS”, not “Messages”.
We used to do lots of dumb things on phones that we don’t do anymore. The green sucks to look at and there’s no reason it can’t be changed by the user except Apple doesn’t want to let you.
At the time of the iphone 1 Apple argued that apps were stupid. The world has changed, yet somehow I can’t change a text color.
you’re missing the point. apple isn’t trying to subconsciously convince people SMS sucks by using an ‘ugly’ color for SMS. they clearly do not think green is ugly, that’s just your opinion.
I get that you want the option to change colors, and that’s understandable. Just don’t project your subjective preferences into corporate conspiracies that make no sense.
Literally bootlicking.
literally go fuck yourself.