Call them “Builts”
That’s exactly how it works in German.
Gebäude (“built”) for building
Gemälde (“painted”) for painting
Gedichte (“thing that was said”) for poem
No, built is “gebaut” not “Gebäude”. The “Ge- -e” circumfix is unrelated to the past participle. It can also be used with nouns, see “Gebirge” (range of mountains) from “Berg” (mountain)
This is less of a brag and more a question for the philosoraptor.
Edit: Apologies… didn’t even notice that beat me to this observation.
I think I would’ve used the philosoraptor instead to make this meme. The idea guy isn’t typically used to ask questions. [Edit: I see it’s been changed to philosoraptor, nice !👌]
Wrong meme, my guy.
Why are they called gaming laptops when they don’t play the games themselves?
I want to see a laptop capable of fully simulating how pro gamers truly react. AI on its own right now isn’t there yet but monitor manufacturers are implementing “basically cheating” features in that direction.
Laughs in language with no tenses
Driveway. Parkway.
And if there’s a highway, why don’t they talk about it on c|trees
(And why doesn’t the markdown page say how to reference communities?)
same reason a painting or drawing is named, i guess.
Or a piling or filing or filling or recording.
yup, good suggestions.
there’s lots of them apparently.
ingupI counter with Buffalo buffalo buffalo ruffalo buffalo as being a valid sentence.
That that exists exists in that that that that exists exists in.
True true true true, true true.
Put a bigger space between steve and and, and and and dave on that sign.
It’s because it is the result of the action, like a drawing. We just don’t say a built, or a drawn. I’m not sure why we used the gerand in English, but we do.
You don’t building, no you build a building.