I’m unemployed and that phone doesn’t ring, I have some much free time but I’m anti social… So I stay at home almost all day and only go out if I need to buy something or an interview comes up. Aside the house chores and videogames I don’t do anything else.
What you do when you have lots of free time?
Edit: I forgot I’m online studying for a driving license, but is so boring I forgot I was doing that.
I don’t have too much free time. Lil shits like you are the reason for that. People like you are leeches. A net negative worth to society.
Nice, I finally have someone to block.
Give them a break hahahahaha it isn’t as if they aren’t trying to apply themselves - whatever the difference in scale may be
No. Been there, done that. It’s been over 5 years and the ruling just came in 2 weeks back. I finally get to legally kick out the 40yo leech living in my house.
I have given them breaks, and every single time I come to regret it. I have zero compassion or empathy for people like that.
Ohhh so a landlord. Checks out.
Sounds like you’re painting the world with broad strokes based on narrow circumstances. Not everyone is the 40yo you want to kick out, even if their situation seems similar. The OP is more than likely nowhere near 40 and obviously looking for ways to change their state in life. No reason to beat a stranger up because they resemble someone you know.
Edit: I just read more of the thread…the OP actually kinda sucks.
Bet you’re fun at parties, huh?
Depends on the parties.