If all the knowledge you have in your society can be memorized and recited, writing it down means it can be changed.
On the other hand, if you have a society where you know of that there are over 500,000 types of beetles, it might be a better idea to come up with a way to record that information without memorization.
Just because an idea is new/old doesn’t mean it’s good/bad.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/06/wait-what-new-research-says-internet-use-is-killing-your-memory/#:~:text=That’s the main takeaway from new research by,technologyso ubiquitous that opting out is nearly unimaginable.
Funny enough, this used to be an argument made against relying on writing.
And at the time it was true.
If all the knowledge you have in your society can be memorized and recited, writing it down means it can be changed.
On the other hand, if you have a society where you know of that there are over 500,000 types of beetles, it might be a better idea to come up with a way to record that information without memorization.
Just because an idea is new/old doesn’t mean it’s good/bad.
Things have to be judged on their own merits.
Writing allows you to devote more of your mental faculties to other things. Couldn’t the same be true of AI-assisted writing?
This is the point I’m trying to make (but apparently not very well)!