I am bad. Not terrible, but, I deserve all the bad things happening me because I’m not a good person. Now I think there’s worse things than being a bad person in this world but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m bad.

  • Kevo@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I don’t believe any regular person is truly bad (with several notable exceptions). People who commit horrible crimes obviously aren’t just bad, they’re evil, but the average person on the vast majority isn’t “bad”. People make mistakes, people are misguided, people are products of their environments. What makes a good person isn’t the absence of bad acts, but the self awareness to acknowledge those acts feel remorse, and try to do better. Knowing nothing about you or your situation, OP, I believe that you don’t deserve ALL the bad things in your life. The best way to combat that is to try every day to think about how your words and actions affect others. Let someone cut in front of you in traffic if you’re not in a rush, smile at or compliment a stranger, hold a door for someone. Little things that make you and them feel good. It’s a selfish thing, but leaves a net good in the world, so it’s probably fine.