I’m pretty sick of my content addiction, like watching youtube or netflix all the time. I would rather be spending my time otherwise so figured fun things are the best to start. Do you have tips for fun things to do? Or how I could search for them?
Some I came up with myself:
- Learning some magic tricks
- Learning some origami
- Thrift shopping
Everything is welcome!
Edit: thank you for the huge response!
I started with crochet about two months ago (my 53’rd attempt at a new hobby) with the idea of wanting to make Amigurumi. But it kind of (d)evolved into just experimenting blindly with different stitch combinations and turning them into bracelets for myself. But I’m still having fun with it :)
It’s relaxing, relatively cheap (for what I do with it) and I feel motivated to slowly try to improve myself. I still feel anxious trying to complete any major project though, but that’s just me. There’s a sad unfinished amigurumi monster in my drawer, waiting for me to work up the nerve to stitch him together :)I picked up bouldering, and I highly recommend it! Its a great way to have fun while doing something active, and is fun solo, with a couple of people, or a larger group.
Learn an instrument.
I practice the skin flute daily.
The pink oboe.
The o-bone
The music penis
And then when you get good enough you can consume music you like while also learning to play it at the same time. One of my favorite relaxing yet also stimulating activities.
Go for daily walks in nature.
Do yoga
Play a recreational sport that interests you
Read (I guess that’s still consumption)
Volunteer for a cause you care about
I’m with the opinion that one should always read more than one writes. And they all kith and kin to reading out loud, speaking, memorizing text, and listening. All things one doesn’t need a teacher to direct.
Knitting is super fun. I used to do it every day until I started my masters. I keep thinking I should restart this hobby. As long as you don’t buy ridiculously premium yarns, it’s super cheap too. I used to find boxes of yarn at yard sales or thrift stores.
I amuse myself with coding, and for the last couple of years, slowly teaching myself spanish. I know it’s a little thing that will probably never matter to anyone, but it feels kind of cool that I can open mexican newspapers and not go “Wtf is this gibberish?”
“It’s Spanish!”
- Cooking / Baking
- Crochet / Amigurumi
- Gardening
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Learn a new language
- Take a course
Rock Climbing/Bouldering. It’s great exercise, I throw in my earbuds, do my own thing, it’s a lot of fun. Don’t worry about being out of shape there are routes for all skill levels
One option that is kind of a middle ground is to learn a craft. Knitting, crochet, making fly fishing lures, sculpting. There are lots of things you can do with your hands while listening to a podcast or audiobook, so while it still involves content consumption it also engages your motor skills and creativity and you end up with something to show for it by the time you are finished.
Learn to skateboard.
Or longboarding if the terrain is relatively flat and not steep.
+1 for longboarding, it’s such a nice feeling to just go and see the world passing by.
I’m waiting for summer to try stand up paddling this year.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Will keep you fit, you won’t be able to think about your life problems for 1-hour … guaranteed, you’ll make new friends, you will build mental resilience and you’ll learn self-defence. So many benefits as long as you train for the long-term and avoid injury.
I went back to school. You can find tons of online courses in just about any subject, and some will count for real college credit if you ever want to turn it into a degree. Many are free, but some will cost you and most are worth it. A way to make your addiction productive.
music is life <3