“But first, these messages from the pharmaceutical industry”, but otherwise 🧑🍳🤌
I really wish this was satire.
I accidentally saw some corporate news video yesterday. It was fucking disgusting.
The line wrap with fasci-nating is too good, that’s gotta be intentional
Without knowing the comic author, I can assure you it is!
I’ve been reading Tom Tomorrow for a long time, and this is definitely the type of subtle curveball he’d throw.
is it subtle, though?
Only thing less subtle would have been a swastika on his arm.
“My own dog… that I’ve beat, starved and abused for decades… A dog that I’ve been enthusiastically training to attack and kill YOU for years… just bit ME. This is your fault, you EVIL monster!”
If you didn’t exist, none of this would have happened!
This was funnier when it happened to Chief Wiggum.
me may mo mow
me mo mow may
oh god
I actually watched this live! It was on CNN MSNBC ABC NBC FOX PBS!
… :(
I did not see the actual news source video, and my brain is having trouble accepting that this isn’t satire. Like there’s a part of my brain, let’s call it “the voice of reason”, that kicks in and says “Noooooo, it’s a comic strip. Nobody would say these things in real life!”.
And then my memories kick in of what the world has looked like for the past 10 years, and I think “Welllllll,…”
What are you supposed to do when the trait of having common sense and critical thinking has become obsolete?
“Why would someone shoot at possibly the most hated man alive??”
"Well y’see Betty, we spend all our time minding our own business buying more guns, organizing militias, and talking about how we’ll kill all libs with those militias - then those dem COMMIES just come out and say they have guns too and will DEFEND THEMSELVES?!
Wow, just wow, Betty. What has this country come to that democrats can just openly threaten us like that?"
This guy was literally interviewed by CBC news.
That ‘kilwaukee’ url on the sign isn’t promising…
I dont dare sign up to see what it is specifically, but thats 1000% a D̶o̶m̶e̶s̶t̶i̶c̶ ̶t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶t̶ “freedom militia” website
“The sign in your truck that says ‘Fuck Biden’, is that part of the troubling rhetoric right now?”
“Yeah it is, it’s the best $25 I’ve ever spent.”
When did life become a sitcom? Like, I genuinely can see that exchange being written for an absurdist comedy. People always say they wish George Carlin were still alive to see this shit. I wonder why you’d want to subject him to that. If George Carlin somehow survived covid, and this is the news on TV, I’m 100% sure he would stick a shotgun in his own mouth and pull the trigger with his toes.
So, I’m sorta glad he died of natural causes, because the modern day would just be torture for him. It’s true he saw these same problems in his day, and he saw it getting worse, but he never saw it this bad. It’s like saying that he’s heard this song before, but he never heard it at this volume.
Kinda suggests to me that even the cult members are mostly in the cult so they can get a closer look at the exciting shitshow. I don’t get the impression this guy cares that Trump got shot, just that he’s a part of the “fun”.