If body cams get cheaper and cheaper, companies might start asking more people to wear them while working.
E.g.: https://coloradosun.com/2024/07/31/youth-corrections-audio-surveillance/
I could see this for doctors, at restaurants, stores,, etc… eventually.
Are you ready to wear one?
EDIT TO ADD: A few people said this wouldn’t ever make sense for doctors (privacy laws) or for fixed locations (stores). I should have thought of that.
But what about Uber / bus drivers, or repair people who go into homes? I can imagine a large corporation thinking a cam is a good idea, for their own CYA (not for the customers’ or the employees’).
Also I don’t like this idea either, to be clear. I was mostly playing devil’s advocate here to see what you all think. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Pretty much what I expected, tbh
I’ve considered it, mainly because it’d be useful for me to document what I do and how while keeping my hands free.
My job involves a lot of hardware troubleshooting, and when people ask me a year later when and how some specific issue was resolved and how, it’d be a whole lot easier to check the tape.
Yes, taking notes is possible, but when you’re troubleshooting an industrial system, and downtime costs 40.000$ per hour, updating your diary isn’t exactly a priority.