I just changed from MinUI to OnionOS on my Miyoo Mini+ to try more forms of emulation such as Arcade. I specifically want to play Bosconian. I got it running via the core “MAME 2003-Plus” using two different ROMsets, “bosco” and “boscomd” from the Archive.org “MAME 2003-Plus Reference Full Non-Merged ROMsets” page.
However, I’m having the same issue with both being “Warning: audo sample(s) not found”.
Did I happen to pick two bad ROMsets or is there some larger issue I’m having? Is this a common issue that people know how to fix?
If memory serves that would be in the bios/mame 2003-plus/samples folder to be more precise.
Samples were used on older versions of MAME before the custom audio generators were emulated. They can be found at samples.mameworld.info and would go in the “samples/bosco” directory.