earth rape?
if she didnt want it, she wouldnt have left all that old coalified and liquified biomatter layin around
Being failures as a species
Converting oil back into CO2, we’re reversing what millions of generations of trees did in a fraction of the time.
The Olympic gold medal in
Self Destruction
Ruining men.
Increased ambient temperature correlates to a reduction in sperm motility. That’s right, real men care about keeping global temperatures from rising further. Only little betas insecure about their dick size want increased oil drilling and plastics production because it eventually drags the alpha men to their level.
Lol, weaponizing toxic masculinity for climate justice, are we?
Yep. And you sound like a cuck with testes full of microplastics.
(jk, just playing a bit. Think it could take off in MAGA circles?)
You gotta communicate in the language of the listener.
How far you can carry ice before it has fully vaporized.