Honestly, for me the worst part is when I feel it on my back.
For some reason that’s where my body just wants nothing to do with cold water and I have actually jumped whenever the hot water sitch turned out to be less than ideal.
Saddam Hussein meme.
Need to dive head first or splash head before going in.
I go in thigh deep and chill for a second. I don’t know if it’s placebo or not (don’t tell me if it is!), but my thinking is there’s a big ass artery right there, and it helps me acclimate. Then when I feel like I’ve mustered up the courage/acclimated enough, I dive in and do the rest all at once.
Well you’re right about the artery, that’s why “shoot 'em in the leg” can backfire and kill someone you were just trying to slow down. But it’s surprising how getting just your head wet first can convince your body it’s not too cold.
By the time you’re 80 it may still be the first step that gets ya.
Brother, what is the most important step a man can take? It was never the first. It’s the next step.
Always the next step, Dalinar.
The one where your nips go in is also pretty tough
This is not a comic strip.
Yes it is.
Love your comic strip amigo
Going to have to disagree.
I thought the waiiiiaaaiiiting, was the haaaardeeeest part.
I’m short, so it’s the second step for me.
I’m so long it’s the second step for me.
May be difficult or shrinking, I wouldn’t call it ‘hard’ at that point