that button arrangement is unfortunate
What do you mean? That’s the same layout as the SNES controller, & it’s what most of the retro handhelds use.
Also, it’s running Linux so it’s easy to remap the buttons to a custom layout if desired.
their buttons are askew from how your thumb reaches them on an SNES controller. it’s completely awkward
Also, miss me with the Linux preaching; it’s like background noise at this point 😂
Your brain is askew.
No need to be insulting. The design is clearly flawed.
I don’t think I heard such complaint from any Game Boy owning kid in the 90s.
Gameboy wasn’t trying to cram SNES button layout onto their device at the wrong angle 😂
Why the downvotes? Look at that picture. The buttons are askew
A few years ago I found this case interesting but by now there are so many awesome (mostly anbernic) devices to do this better. Currently using the rg arc with its awesome ergonomics.
I can feel my hand cramping just looking at this.