I’m working on a plan to replace all food and sleep with coffee. So far so good!
This explains why you’re angry. Also smoking.
I don’t abuse coffee because it’s a stimulant, I abuse coffee because it’s fucking delicious.
I drink coffee for the taste.
And if I don’t get enough taste in a day I get cranky and get a headache.
Absolutely. I like caf over decaf, but if decaf is what’s available, then decaf is what’s getting drunk.
I’m still working on aquiring the taste. Any tips?
I’m the past I would just take caffeine pills for the desired effect. Now I feel like I’m missing out but when I try it, it just tastes like it needs all the sugar which is apparently not very cool. Do you use sugar?
No sugar. It’s important to start with good coffee (freshly ground beans of decent quality), then I will often add milk. While I do enjoy black coffee the milk makes it even better, and more importantly it helps temper the caffeine (especially if I’m drinking it on an empty stomach). I picked it up in Japan where “milk coffee” and “milk tea” are popular (although they often add sweeteners, but I find the milk is sweet enough).
Have you tried exploring the wonderful world of tea? There are SO many kinds and varieties, so maybe that’s more your thing than coffee. My advice is to go to a local tea shop rather than buy from the grocery store; the quality difference is astounding, and don’t be afraid of looseleaf tea. Same thing with tea as coffee, you can add milk for a richer, creamier taste; because there’s so many varieties of tea out there milk won’t taste good with many of them (clashing flavors, or the milk overpowers the subtle tea flavor), but I’ve also tried some where the milk made the flavor of the tea stronger somehow. Milk + Jasmine/English Breakfast are great starting points.
Thanks for the great ideas!
I’ve given a sampler of tea a try in the past but I’ll admit I don’t recall whether I paid attention to things like oversteeping. I just put some honey, or later stevia, in it. lol
I’m going to try “splurging” on a fancy cup of coffee and a fancy tea from a reputable place at some point to figure this out
I don’t believe you. I think you hired coffee and fired weed. Plus…coffee isn’t actually delicious.
Source: I am person who drank coffee once.
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Same. My ADHD is entirely unmoved by the alleged stimulant effect. I just like coffee. (I also like dark chocolate. Bitter and complex is just my thing. Though bitter and sweet is occasionally nice.)
The stimulant effect of caffeine becomes progressively less effective as you continue to use it regularly and build up a tolerance - if you were to intermittently drink strong coffee you would probably find it having a stronger effect on your ADHD. That said, from my experience the ‘rush’ you get from drinking caffeine only once in a blue moon is quite unpleasant and the positive effects aren’t really worth it… Caffeine imo is best consumed regularly or not at all.
I abuse coffee because it’s a stimulant AND it’s delicious.
Rookie mistake, you need to increase your fiber intake to counter the increase in bowel movements.
I wonder, how many people who get the shits from coffee are actually lactose intolerant and are drinking it with milk.
I shouldn’t be saying this online, but I’m not lactose intolerant and I very occasionally drink black coffee which does give me the runs.
That being said, I only take it if I have something really important that I wanna be fully awake for, but only if its within the next 1-2 hours because I don’t wanna be 3 hours into something feeling like a pressurized gas bag lol.
Eating food before or alongside coffee can help mitigate this effect, but most people have it in the morning with breakfast which is usually a light meal so it doesn’t stop all of it.
Also the anxiety probably comes from the increased heart rate alongside a mental stress factor. If you’re not worried about something, you’ll feel awake but a bit lax. But if you’re already nervous or anxious, coffee will multiply it.
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That’s not quite what a diuretic is. Diuretic makes you pee not poop. It’s also the case that people develop a tolerance to this effect. Caffeine does have an effect on your bowels as well, but that’s a separate issue to it being a diuretic. For example alcohol is a diuretic, but doesn’t make you poop more. MDMA is an anti diuretic that sometimes makes people need to poop.
Cleveland clinic says says about coffee’s laxative effect:
Researchers found that 29% of coffee drinkers report a desire to poop after drinking coffee. The feeling can come pretty quickly, too. (In as little as four minutes!)
And about lactose intolerance (same article):
An estimated 65% of people have some difficulty digesting lactose, which can lead to restroom runs. Lactose intolerance can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal (GI) issues within 30 minutes of consumption.
Four minutes? More like 4 seconds after the first sip.
It makes me poop, and I never use milk products with it.
The negotiations were short.
laughs in Coca-Cola addiction
I literally just put an old Dixie narco vending machine in the garage and filled it with coke zeros. God help me…
It is known that caffeine’s boost effect is different depending on your age
At 50, when I drink it I get a real noticable energy boost for about two hour or so.
As a teenager I could barely tell the difference.
And it makes me poop if it’s morning. It did not make me poop at 16.
It’s also known that it only boosts if you take it once in a while. If you take it regularly, you only fight withdrawal symptoms.