Today i was doing the daily ritual of looking at distrowatch. Todays reveiw section was about a termal called warp, it has built in AI for recomendations and correction for commands (like zhs and nushell). You can also as a chatbot for help. I think its a neat conscept however the security is what makes me a bit skittish. They say the dont collect data and you can check it aswell as opt out. But the idea of a terminal being read by an Ai makes me hesitant aswell as a account needed to use warp. What do you guys think?

  • Political
    1 year ago

    It might be helpful, I’m not going to rule out using it, but it’s all going to happen on my machine and I’m not paying for it or logging in anywhere to use it AND it’s going to talk cockney… “Oi oi, ya fuckin’ muppet, you missed a semi-colon. Ya useless fuckin’ nonce!”