Love cycling but to be fair that s a little annoying when you have 2 cyclists side by side and you can’t overtake them. The driver was an asshole but i can understand his frustration.
If there isn’t space to overtake two cyclists side by side, there isn’t space to overtake one cyclist. If there’s another car coming towards you while you overtake, you’d be endangering the one cyclist.
@mondoman712@felykiosa it depends a little onthe road in question, there are roads with a sinple lane wide enough that a single file of cyclists are passable without crossing into oncoming traffic, but two abreast isn’t.
But we all know this isn’t what happened here. Driver just wanted to let his priveledge show.
if there isnt enough space maybe just wait a bit untill there is, is getting to the next stop light faster so u can spend more time waiting there rally that fucking important.
Love cycling but to be fair that s a little annoying when you have 2 cyclists side by side and you can’t overtake them. The driver was an asshole but i can understand his frustration.
Sounds like you should talk to your representatives about getting protected bicycle paths in your city so that they’re out of your way
Should one sympathise with car-supremacists?
If there isn’t space to overtake two cyclists side by side, there isn’t space to overtake one cyclist. If there’s another car coming towards you while you overtake, you’d be endangering the one cyclist.
1.5m to overtake one cyclist brings you only partially onto the otherside of the road.
1.5m to overtake two cyclists astride brings you fully onto the otherside of the road
exactly, either way you need to make sure there isn’t any oncoming traffic.
Okay, so you only partially hit the oncoming car. Great.
depends how deliberately badly you’re both driving I suppose
??? You expect the other driver to drive on the fucking shoulder because you can’t wait literally half a second to pass a cyclist??
Okay, so walk me through this. This is what I got.
Guy: You have to wait just as long to pass one cyclist as two abreast.
You: I only take up half a lane to pass a lone cyclist.
Me: So you have to wait until the lane is clear.
You: No, I am a good driver.
Me: WTF?!
@mondoman712 @felykiosa it depends a little onthe road in question, there are roads with a sinple lane wide enough that a single file of cyclists are passable without crossing into oncoming traffic, but two abreast isn’t.
But we all know this isn’t what happened here. Driver just wanted to let his priveledge show.
So you just lie on the Internet?
if there isnt enough space maybe just wait a bit untill there is, is getting to the next stop light faster so u can spend more time waiting there rally that fucking important.
I live in rural area the next stop is in 5km , just said that it is annoying when two cyclist are side by side that all.