• GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    The conservative part of my views is more about not legalizing things that were not legalized previously (if they do tend to cause damage to people of course). Lol I can see that downvotes by every single USA citizen on Lemmy for that one. Maybe I can explain further if needed but later. I think taxation is important and can be kept high if needed. The government probably shouldn’t regulate the industry much but the opposite situation has its advantages as well (EU government nailed that). Private life should always stay private though + mass surveillance is a huge waste of resources that is not good in any perspective. I don’t identify myself as a conservative in the traditional meaning of this world. I have my own views

    • whogivesashit@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I’ve seen like 5 comments where you refuse to expand on your views. This is a formal invitation to bring your opinion to the marketplace of ideas and have it sorted out.

      • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        My views are not detailed yet that’s true. But what in the world is a marketplace of ideas? A thing that has a 100 pages contract and is meant to steal intellectual property (jk)? Lol that’s not gonna work on me. And “sorting out someone’s opinion” is highly immoral in my opinion (unless it’s done to prevent an immediate threat and the “brainwasher” consents his actions after the threat is eliminated). Anyone who intentionally attempts to do it to me is to be deleted

        • whogivesashit@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          You ever read Fahrenheit 451? It’s just a decent read imo, but it has a few gems worth mentioning. In case you’re unfamiliar, it follows the story of a man (named Guy) who lives in a future version of America where books have been outlawed.

          Guy meets a former English professor and begins to read in secret. In one of their meetings, the English professor tries to get Guy to talk about what he’s thinking, but Guy is being timid in sharing his thoughts. The professor then says this

          You’re afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be. Mistakes can be profited by. Man, when I was young I shoved my ignorance in people’s faces. They beat me with sticks. By the time I was forty my blunt instrument had been honed to a fine cutting point for me. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you’ll never learn.

          To hide your ideas this way is to live in a bubble, and you cannot grow your mind this way.

          • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            Mister, I literally lost the closest person recently. Developing my political views is not my priority now. And maybe that’s the reason why I became so active in political discussions. Also I ruined my personality already. I don’t have one now (though relatively stable political views still remain smh). I can only work in enforcement agencies at this point. That’s a thing I’m probably not terrible at. Anyways I did read that book. It was like 5 years ago though so I don’t remember much. And btw the lowest temperature of burning for paper is Celsius 451, not Fahrenheit

            • whogivesashit@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Enforcement agencies, vague talk about legalization, makes more sense, now we’re getting somewhere. Hope you’re able to find your way to a better career path. Lots of people partake in activities that others don’t approve of. I don’t think that means we should enforce our will on others. I personally think Christianity is a cult that primarily recruits through the indoctrination of children, but I’m also a fan of religious freedom. Condolences on your loss.

              • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                Lol I can’t even work because disability. Ik it’s kind of an extremist thing but I do think that enforcing is required when something gets really bad and creates a severe negative influence on the society. And if I can’t really be helpful in anything else, why don’t I choose that way? It’s not like everyone is good at it. Not caring about the well-being of your own children makes you a suspect already so careful with that one. Yes religious freedom is really important. And thank you