Danny Devito.
…I’m a woman.
I refer to him as Daddy DeVito
… I’m a dude.
Lady Gaga
I bear no resemblance. I can’t sing. I just think she’s neat.
Adrien Brody.
I’m told, quite often, I look like him. Plus he’s a method actor or whatever do we would get to hang out which might be cool. He seems nice.
Jack Black, easily.
Aw, I wanted Jack Black.
Guess I’ll have to go with my second choice, Danny DeVito.
Jason Mamoa. I look like if he took a break from the gym for a year. He and I also share several hobbies.
Christopher Walken, Jeff Goldblum, Willem Dafoe, and Gary Oldman. All of them.
So sorta like the imaginarium of Dr. parnissius? ( its called something along those lines lol)
Everywhere, all at once.
Zac Efron.
The girl I was crushing on in high school crushed on him really hard as he appeared in High School Musical. I spent wayyyy too much of my youth trying to emulate Zac Efron as a result. Eventually, that whole style just kinda became my whole style. Seems like a good fit.
John Malkovich, I don’t know why. I just like him. And I think he would be kind in my portrayal.
In Soviet Russia, John Malkovich being you.
Ditto. I think he could bring out the exasperation and pessimism that so much of my life warrants. And the transition to the good parts would be even funnier. “Oh, sorry honey, you’re why I keep going. I should have said that to him.”
With your user name I was expecting another answer (and a pretty cool zombie movie)
Gary Busey in cheap drag
Welcome to the revolution!
Melissa McCarthy, she has a good sense of humor which is great because my life is kind of a joke.
I want my movie to be cast entirely with Muppets and Tim Walz.
Shit. I didn’t think this through well enough. Can I change my answer to yours?
Best answer
Karl Pilkington. he would do a great job of complaining about every minor inconvenience I’ve dealt with
I don’t know anyone that has that low of a charisma level. Maybe like some resting bitch face extra.
Brad Pitt.
Bit of a downgrade but I can live with it.
Peewee herman voice and all…
Yes I’m quite the lady-killer…
I only just recently learned the voice bit as I’ve never recorded myself. I used to think I was just ugly lmao