I can often work out the meaning of these comics even if I don’t understand at first. I’ve given this one a good hour and can’t figure it out. Can anyone help?
‘Is it bigger or smaller than a breadbox’ was a common question in games of 20 Questions and stuff when I was a kid, although I’m not sure why or where from originally (a game show I think?)
So yeah here instead of a bread box it’s a Bread Box factory and the thing being compared is also really really big
E: yeah a game show https://boards.straightdope.com/t/origin-of-is-it-bigger-than-a-breadbox/245317
That’s interesting! That would explain the “you can talk it over” for me. I was thinking the joke was a giant duck attacking a bread factory, but I like yours better.
Seems “bigger than a breadbox” used to be a common saying? I’ve never heard it before, but Google’s giving me some clues with that phrase anyway.
His spatial representations never cease to amuse me. None of those people would be able to stand up straight on the second floor lol
Would you say this building is smaller than a usual breadbox building?
Gotta fit in that panel though