I thought I’m high
I thought I’m high
At least one sticker would say so, so he’s isn’t
I was going to say it’s pretty depressing, but then I’ve remembered waking up in general in this awful world is
6 minutes before lawsuit
Gotta fit in that panel though
Only the “you made the sandwich” meme I think
AI pretends it doesn’t know what an inflation fetish is
Tbf it’s rare to see normal people posting on social media in 2024, at least everyone I see is fucked up in some way. And when they claim they’re normal, they’re either lying, or in denial. I feel like I’ve permanently losing sanity by just living in this fucked up world year by year. The furries are at least self-aware.
Bro tried them all but has skill issue
Ackshually… it starts and quits, so it does something On the other hand it reminds me of this absolute classic… thing
If your honk runs out, you’re irresponsible honk owner
Wait, does this mean Nintendo owes me money? Because I’ll accept.
No, but here’s a lawsuit for saying trademarked fictional character’s name
Jokes on you they have Yakuza Pocket Circuit there now, I’d never want to leave
What was the prompt?? Asking for a friend
How it feels like to follow big tech news online
Childhood nightmare fuel