But in south America they have been robbed blind by communists getting 11.5% loans from China for failed projects. IN DOZENS OF LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES!
Yeah, it’s all China’s fault and totally not the imperial power who exploited South America for decades, foisted murderous fascist regimes onto it and funded genocidal death squads over there who murdered millions.
Indeed it is the fault of them!
Your sarcasm about what happened over two decades ago, does not mean they the lady twenty years isn’t EXACTLY how you describe : China and venezuela and farc and so on, abusing the entire continent.
Hey fellow white supremacist mass-murder enthusiast! I’m on your side here! As I said… it’s all China’s fault and totally not the imperial power who exploited South America for decades, foisted murderous fascist regimes onto it and funded genocidal death squads over there who murdered millions.
I am moderate, I hate trump.
I would vote for left wing in developed countries WITH WORKING ESTABLISHED INSTITUTIONS (northern Europe).
I would however NEVER vote left in undeveloped countries, not because of ideology, but because it’s too easy to be infiltrated by farc Cuba venezuela narco sinaloa ruzzian Chinese political pressure etc. They really fucked up MOST South American countries in the LAST TWENTY YEARS.
You mean… like Pinochet? Best moderate in the world - according to white supremacist fascist sympathizers trying to pretend they’re not white supremacist fascist sympathizers!
Please don’t stop now, white supremacist fascists sympathizer - oops, I meant to say, “moderate.”
Why would you ever mention pinochet? Nobody ever said anything about his dictatorship here…
He wasn’t the one making argentina bankrupt SEVEN times in one década AND over 100% INFLATION EACH YEAR FOR A DECADE! that’s the extreme left killing the economy of an entire country.
Ahhh, of course, of course, fascist comrade - I shouldn’t mention fascist dictators like Pinochet to you just out of the blue like that… we wouldn’t want you walking around in public with an erection now, would we?
You are trying to ignore the last twenty years by referring to the time before it. But it is very clear there are bad things going on since the 2000s that are being fixed now by criminally investigating EXTREME LEFT NARCO DICTATORS & their enablers
But of course I will ignore the fact that the CIA and it’s right-wing puppet regimes created the narco-trafficking cartels that we know and love today! See how I’m helping you?
I’ll even go above and beyond for my fellow fascist sympathizers and ignore how the right-wing US “War On Drugs” literally created the markets that these right-wing narco-dictatorships thrive on to this very day!
Come on… am I not helpful? Where is my Iron Cross?
Hm you are trying to be quite funny. Maybe try a bit less?
I am in no way talking about before the 2000.
I am talking only about recent history and about almost All countries in South America. They have been cheated by their leaders. Which is obviously what always happens in communism.
But in south America they have been robbed blind by communists getting 11.5% loans from China for failed projects. IN DOZENS OF LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES!
Yeah, it’s all China’s fault and totally not the imperial power who exploited South America for decades, foisted murderous fascist regimes onto it and funded genocidal death squads over there who murdered millions.
Indeed it is the fault of them! Your sarcasm about what happened over two decades ago, does not mean they the lady twenty years isn’t EXACTLY how you describe : China and venezuela and farc and so on, abusing the entire continent.
Hey fellow white supremacist mass-murder enthusiast! I’m on your side here! As I said… it’s all China’s fault and totally not the imperial power who exploited South America for decades, foisted murderous fascist regimes onto it and funded genocidal death squads over there who murdered millions.
I am moderate, I hate trump. I would vote for left wing in developed countries WITH WORKING ESTABLISHED INSTITUTIONS (northern Europe).
I would however NEVER vote left in undeveloped countries, not because of ideology, but because it’s too easy to be infiltrated by farc Cuba venezuela narco sinaloa ruzzian Chinese political pressure etc. They really fucked up MOST South American countries in the LAST TWENTY YEARS.
Do you understand?
You mean… like Pinochet? Best moderate in the world - according to white supremacist fascist sympathizers trying to pretend they’re not white supremacist fascist sympathizers!
Please don’t stop now, white supremacist fascists sympathizer - oops, I meant to say, “moderate.”
Why would you ever mention pinochet? Nobody ever said anything about his dictatorship here…
He wasn’t the one making argentina bankrupt SEVEN times in one década AND over 100% INFLATION EACH YEAR FOR A DECADE! that’s the extreme left killing the economy of an entire country.
Tankie more on
Ahhh, of course, of course, fascist comrade - I shouldn’t mention fascist dictators like Pinochet to you just out of the blue like that… we wouldn’t want you walking around in public with an erection now, would we?
You are trying to ignore the last twenty years by referring to the time before it. But it is very clear there are bad things going on since the 2000s that are being fixed now by criminally investigating EXTREME LEFT NARCO DICTATORS & their enablers
But of course I will ignore the fact that the CIA and it’s right-wing puppet regimes created the narco-trafficking cartels that we know and love today! See how I’m helping you?
I’ll even go above and beyond for my fellow fascist sympathizers and ignore how the right-wing US “War On Drugs” literally created the markets that these right-wing narco-dictatorships thrive on to this very day!
Come on… am I not helpful? Where is my Iron Cross?
Hm you are trying to be quite funny. Maybe try a bit less?
I am in no way talking about before the 2000.
I am talking only about recent history and about almost All countries in South America. They have been cheated by their leaders. Which is obviously what always happens in communism.
Of course, of course, fascism comrade! It’s imperative and completely reasonable to pretend that the world was born anew in the year 2000!
Nothing happened before that! Nothing at all! And anyone who says otherwise must answer to our little Pinochet Erection Club!
South America was robbed blind by Europe and North America.
Yes. And then in the 21 century it was robbed by extreme left wing narco dictators and militant groups…
what the fuck are you talking about
If you are unaware of the last twenty years in Venezuela el salvador ecuador argentina and so many more… Please read up.