• TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Sorry, bud, I have universal healthcare in Europe. Nice try. No need for “non-profit (tax-subsidized private) healthcare”, at least not at the citizen level of the country I’m at where we do get it. The only one who seems stuck in the US bubble is you & company. But if you want, there are plenty of sites for European non-profits too, feel free to provide an specific example as I am able to do instead of moving from vague to vague and I’ll take your claim more seriously than what a bunch of meaningless Internet points gives it.

    • Demuniac@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I’m sorry but your comment confuses me a bit. You specifically link to a US based article, and mention how bad non-profit organisations are. One of the things you mention as being bad about it (and why it doesn’t work) is because you don’t get healthcare.

      Then I mention that this is not true for at least some other regions of the world, and I know that from personal experience, but now your saying I’m wrong? Or do you want me to share where I work?

      I must just be misunderstanding your comment for sure, so please elaborate what you mean.

      • TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        I linked to the first example I could find, which didn’t take very long, and then you are playing yourself by claiming I said things I never said “One of the things you mention as being bad about it (and why it doesn’t work) is because you don’t get healthcare” I get plenty of healthcare because I live in a country with universal healthcare. It’s the shitty ones that don’t have it that usually have to deal with the concept of “non-profit” healthcare, which rapidly becomes stained by the for the for-profit industry surrounding it.

        Meanwhile, you provide zero examples, and continue providing zero examples, even though I’m giving you the liberty to provide any, even those that have nothing to do with your work, because of how likely I consider the task of providing the counter-evidence to any example you can provide me.

        Yeah, sorry bud, you are going to have to participate and not just nitpick every example with whatever you consider the weakest part of it while you continue making unsupported premises. Maybe your upvote/downvote circlejerk can provide it one if you are so afraid, but I’m not going to assume that any example mentioned is that of where you work.

        • Demuniac@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          non-profits are worse by design, being both a tax write-off and deliberately exploitative entities

          They work worse and act as an excuse not to offer universal care

          I have universal healthcare

          You keep going on about me providing proof but you are the one making a bold statement. You disprove the one example you provide because that’s clearly caused by the healthcare situation in general in that country.

          So how do you expect me to provide proof of healthy and normal non-profit companies not being evil? That’s no news, there’s no article saying “company is ethical and normal”.

          You claim that non-profit companies are exploitative by design, but any proof you provide will always be anecdotal. I told you from personal experience that I have seen multiple that are just fine. My proof will also always be anecdotal. But I’m not the one making a claim about the entire system of non-profit organisations, I’m saying that although it might sometimes be exploitative, I know it’s not always from personal experience.

          As you’re generalising the entire system of non-profit organisations, the burden of proof is on you.