The Open Source Cartridge Reader (OSCR) is a versatile tool designed to help preserve video game cartridges and save data. Developed by Sanni and the community, this device allows users to back up ROM files and save games from a wide range of vintage consoles. Here's a detailed look at its features and benefits: Key Features Supported Systems: The OSCR supports numerous systems, including NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Genesis, and more. Additional systems can be supported with adapters. Functionality: It enables users to dump ROMs and save files directly to an
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I’m asking about whether the concept of “you are allowed to play pirated games if you own a physical copy of it” is based on any legal truth.
I’m aware that the emulators are largely completely legal as long as they don’t package console bios’ with it. That’s why you have to go find a pirate bios to make your emulator run
Well, not quite. If you dump the ROM of a game cartridge you have purchased and use that dumped rom to play your game that’s legal. If you pirate the ROM, that’s still illegal regardless whether you own the original game, however the end result is identical and there’s really not many ways to prove you didn’t dump your own roms.
Unless, of course, you don’t own a rom dumper and have an internet history of visiting rom sites. Even then it’s technically circumstantial evidence.
What is this based on? It sounds like something that would be against even the most basic licence terms.
I don’t remember agreeing to any terms of service when I bought pokemon yellow, so as far as I’m concerned there are none.
You agree to the licence terms when you purchase the software. If you disagree, don’t buy it.