The closest thing I can find is concordance but it seems like its only really used for Bible stuff or WordClouds
- word frequency
- eliminating words below frequency cutoffs
- concordance
- exportable
DevonThink sorta does it
Frequency analysis? Tokenisation? Not sure if either of those are what you mean
A graph representing the frequency of something is called a histogram. That might be the word you are looking for?
Also maybe a word cloud.
You looking for word frequently count?
Shot in the dark but maybe you’re thinking of word2vec?
sometimes it’s called bag of words
My Shakespeare teacher in college called it a concordance when we studied Macbeth. There was a full concordance and then concordances for each speaking part. Pretty fascinating stuff.
I’ve always just seen it called a frequency table.
My wife studied linguistics, is the term you are looking for “corpus linguistics”?
Word cloud?