A few things that are accessible within the USA include:
- Participating in mutual aid programs
- Campaigning on the local level, including for positions like poll watchers
- Making your voice heard in community events in general
- Joining your local DSA, networking
why specify leftists that will vote for biden? or leftists at all?
Gotta make sure everyone knows they’re “cool” and totally part of the club
I made another post asking how people who wouldn’t vote were planning on doing direct action, and I got criticized for not asking about the people who were… so I made this post.
I can’t win
Am I missing something or did you make that other post on the notvoting comm of solarpunk?
That’s like asking someone at a housewarming party why they oppose Israel’s genocide and then setting up a table on the campus mall to get people’s pro-israel views…
You are missing something; my other post got removed, and on Lemmy it looks like nobody (including me) can see those removed posts. This is in my DMs:
Crazy. Did you repost it on either asklemmy or politics?
I made the now-removed post first (in the other Ask Lemmy community), and somebody mentioned the “not voting” and suggested I repost it there, so I copied and pasted the text and title in.
And then I made this post, dumbly putting it in a different community without realizing it wasn’t the same as the last one.
Federation and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Leftism isn’t about winning, that’s the part you’re missing. If you’re just doing what you can to win than you’re no different to and will fall for the same things as a fascist. I remember hearing “leftists are addicted to losing” and what makes that quote especially good is that it came from a guy who later outed themselves as being a fascist infiltrator once they no longer needed to convince people to vote Democrat.
Marxists don’t care about winning. That’s idealism. What we want is an improving of material conditions for the working class.
What he meant is that people are unhappy when he asks about non-voters, and also when he asks about voters. He can’t win [the approval of people on Lemmy]. Also, not all leftists are marxists.
If you can be a “leftist” without being at least some branch of marxism, than the term has lost all its meaning. I mean you don’t have to like the guy (he has many flaws) to realize the importance his work had on kickstarting the anticapitalist movement that started the left.
I self identify as a leftist but I don’t think I’m ready to call myself a marxist. Maybe one day that will change, maybe not. Regardless of what definitions you may be about to link for me, what I think usually separates me from those I view as liberals is that they tend not to see corporate greed as a problem, or not as a pervasive problem.
The problem with corporation isn’t the “greed,” becuase that aspect is unsolvable. It’s that their current structure exists to exploit everything possible to benefit a very small number of people and they all act in cohort without coordination. A virtuous corporation cannot exist.
I’m going to keep calling this greed.
Call it Capitalism. It’s a systemic issue, not a lack of individual morals.
Are you an American? Because the only Americans who call people “leftist” are using it in a pejorative sense.
“Liberal” is the only political pejorative I know
I call myself a leftist, thanks. But it’s messy and complicated, because there’s a lot of pragmatism mixed in there from the time I’ve spent in groups that have an anarchistic bent, since I’ve noted that they have a very, very hard time agreeing on action; great for debate, bad for decisions.
Cursed with the burden of eternal introspection, versus the fascist who can be content to act without thought.
This is the entire issue on the left and why they can never actually organize and run real candidates. While the left is busy arguing about the best way to organize the workplace the right just says “this guys (cold, lifeless) heart is in basically the right place” and pulls the lever.
The only people who think leftist is a pejorative are conservatives. Hmmmm…
Call me a liberal though - and I’ll probably ignore it because it’s not worth explaining the difference to most people who will do so. But in my head dem’s fighting words. And ironically, I think there are many who also identify as leftists who would think I’m not left enough to call myself a leftist.
Signed, a Leftist.
You’re right. The only people who use the term “leftist” are conservatives, or people who have studied European politics, because it doesn’t actually define anything in American politics. There is no “leftist” party and there are no “leftist” political groups. “Liberalism” is far more common because it describes an amenable approach to social issues, but also a laisez-faire approach to economic and foreign policy issues. I get not wanting to be called a liberal, or worse a neoliberal, but we do not have a proper labour party, or a communist party, or anything else even remotely resembling the “left.” It would be nice if we did, but the far right has done an excellent job of demonizing the very idea of it.
That’s what I was referring to, which is why I assumed you might be a European, where such parties and ideologies exist out in the open.
I meant no offense.
It was the as a pejorative part that was significant to me, not use of the term itself. If someone is calling me a leftist with a sneer - that person is a conservative.
No offense taken, but I did wonder because of your seeming assumption that it would be pejorative. (Also please note I’m not OP)
I disagree that those two things are requirements for leftist to have a meaning. I’m also quite sure we have many leftist political groups, even if they have little political power.
The term is only used in a pejorative sense because the only people who use it are conservatives who use it as an insult.