A few things that are accessible within the USA include:
- Participating in mutual aid programs
- Campaigning on the local level, including for positions like poll watchers
- Making your voice heard in community events in general
- Joining your local DSA, networking
You’re not even wrong on 3/4 but explain to me how going vegan is a stand against discrimination? I stop eating eggs and systemic racism is defeated??
I was hinting at speciesism :)
In a really roundabout way, supporting the meat industry supports child labor and exploitation of immigrant workers in slaughterhouses who suffer from increased levels of depression and other mental illnesses as a result of the cruel violence they inflict on other living things. Which means shutting down slaughterhouses contributes to less discrimination against immigrant workers who are forced to endure the mental suffering the rest of society refuses to do as long as they can have their nuggies.
Voting democrat also means supporting corporation, child labor, slavery, genocide, family separation for illegal immigrants, expansion of ICE, and countless other atrocities, so maybe you need to look at something else before declaring a war on “food.”
I’m vegan and I’m not voting for Biden lol. I know all these things.
EDIT: I’m also all for re-training slaughterhouse workers and subsidizing meat producers into more sustainable and less cruel industries and products.
Yeah, that’s a bit of a reach - not like immigrants aren’t brutally exploited on vegetable farms either or anything
I never said they weren’t. But there is an active probe into US companies employing migrant children working illegally in slaughterhouses right now. And the level of mental damage from one is not comparable to the other, looking solely at job duties. Even if they weren’t immigrants, forcing poor people into that kind of work (by giving them no other/better options) is also a form of discrimination that farms out mental health issues to certain populations.