Hopefully someone on here has the 8bitdo Pro 2 controller and can answer my question: can it connect to Android-devices on more than just the A-channel on the 4-way bluetooth connection? I have two Android devices that i would like to have connected so I can just change the 4-way bluetooth slider to connect, is this possible? Can Android devices also connect to the D- or X-input channel without issue?
Thank you kindly, that would imply that Android devices can be used on both the A- and D-channel at least. The biggest thing making me look at this controller is the 4-way switch, can’t understand why 8bitdo downgraded their “Ultimate” controller to a 2-channel switch :( Biggest bummer is that the Pro 2 doesn’t seem to support wake-function on Nintendo Switch.
I believe that D-Input will connect, but works on a per app basis for Android. So if your game or emulator doesn’t support it, it won’t work. I guess that’s true of X-Input, too, but that’s been the dominant controller API for many years. I could imagine some apps supporting X-Input controllers only.
Isn’t all the Playstation controllers since the Dualshock 3 D-input? Seems like that would be a common BT-controller on Android with lots of support.
No problem. Let me know how you get on and if you like it.