Thanks to Valve’s Linux graphics team, VK_EXT_device_generated_commands is now supported by the Radeon “RADV” Vulkan driver with the upcoming Mesa 24.3 release.

Prominent RADV developer Samuel Pitoiset at Valve has landed support for VK_EXT_device_generated_commands, the multi-vendor device generated commands “DGC” implementation. Last month with Vulkan 1.3.296 the VK_EXT_device_generated_commands extension was introduced to succeed NVIDIA’s vendor-prefixed DGC extension. The device generated commands extension allows for the GPU device to generate a number of commands for command buffers. VK_EXT_device_generated_commands is a very big and important addition to the Vulkan API: Valve’s Mike Blumenkrantz has argued that DGC is the biggest addition to Vulkan since ray-tracing.

    4 months ago

    you can now use Nvidia cards with 80-90% as much ease as AMD users have on Linux

    i’ve got a couple of goals that i want to accomplish with my new build and i think that forcing myself to do it the hard way like i used to 20ish years ago would help with that; but if amd has gotten easy, i wonder if i should go with nvidia again.

    you’ve made me aware that i’ve missed the whole wayland/x11 situation by going with certified linux hardware and avoiding nvidia at all costs because of my experiences with it in the past. this endeavor has made me realize how disconnected i’ve made myself from the reality of 95% of linux users by sitting in my little bubble of certified linux hardware and only talking to other linux professionals instead of the general public.

    my conversations with those professionals are NOTHING like the ones here and you can tell when capitalism has sucked the passion out of it for them because it takes one to know one. i’m finding that jumping back in is rekindling it for me; i’ve spent a considerable about of times making plans for this build and i can’t remember how long it’s been since if felt any excitement about a linux-centric project.