At one point I had a job handing out sample chocolate at supermarkets. I was setting up my stand. This was during covid, so we had to disinfect everything, set up a clear shield on the stand, plus put on gloves and hand out chocolate with disinfected tongs. I also had to get changed into my uniform.
I said I’ll give you some if you come back in five minutes as I’m still setting up.
She lost her mind. Started calling me a fucking bitch, bad sales person, that she knows the owner of the chocolate company and will get me fired. Complained about me to the supermarket manager. When I went to change into uniform she was following me around still carrying on.
After I had set up she came back and said I’ll have that chocolate now. I refused to serve her. I said sorry I don’t need to take your abuse. She responded by saying you’re the abusive one lol. Wild.
Not a lot. I had a customer witness all this who also told the manager. So while the manager was on my side, he didn’t say much as to how to handle it.
Good job on not serving her. Unfortunately in service culture where the customer is always right, there often is no blowback from customers being rude or unreasonable. There needs to be pushback, even small victories are still a win.
At one point I had a job handing out sample chocolate at supermarkets. I was setting up my stand. This was during covid, so we had to disinfect everything, set up a clear shield on the stand, plus put on gloves and hand out chocolate with disinfected tongs. I also had to get changed into my uniform.
I said I’ll give you some if you come back in five minutes as I’m still setting up.
She lost her mind. Started calling me a fucking bitch, bad sales person, that she knows the owner of the chocolate company and will get me fired. Complained about me to the supermarket manager. When I went to change into uniform she was following me around still carrying on.
After I had set up she came back and said I’ll have that chocolate now. I refused to serve her. I said sorry I don’t need to take your abuse. She responded by saying you’re the abusive one lol. Wild.
That’s awful. Btw what did the manager say?
Not a lot. I had a customer witness all this who also told the manager. So while the manager was on my side, he didn’t say much as to how to handle it.
Good job on not serving her. Unfortunately in service culture where the customer is always right, there often is no blowback from customers being rude or unreasonable. There needs to be pushback, even small victories are still a win.
Thank you. No way I was giving her free stuff after she spoke to me like that. I’m not encouraging that behaviour.
The customer is always right in matters of taste.
Total brain damage on some of the Karens.
I guess they see themselves as strong independent women. :)